ABRS+ Membership Renewal Launch 2023-2024

Posted on 2nd March 2023

Note from Jane Williams, Chair

In my service as a Trustee and as Chair we have been able to hold our fees at the same level for at least six, if not seven, years.

However, as with many other organisations, we are experiencing difficult times, due to rising operational costs in a number of areas; especially energy and stationery. Our partners and suppliers are similarly challenged.

Unfortunately, this means that we are having to increase our fees for most categories of membership, for the first time in many years, with effect from 01 April 2023. We trust our members will understand and continue their much-valued support.

Those paying by Direct Debit for the first time before 01 April will secure a 4% discount and as usual if any member would prefer to pay in two to three instalments, then do call the office to discuss.

As always we will continue to develop new and relevant services which support the effective operation and success of your riding establishment.

Jane Williams
Chair ABRS+

Renewals are now open for our Approved Riding Establishment members to renew their ABRS+ Memberships for 2023/2024.

As you may recall, we revamped our renewals process last year, allowing a simple renewal form to be completed by existing members. This worked well so we will continue with the shortened process to facilitate renewal for the coming year. We are also continuing to offer payment by Direct Debit.

To ensure your benefits continue after the renewal period, it is important to make your renewal request BEFORE 1st April 2023. You can be reminded of your ABRS+ Member Benefits here, including representation at industry and government level, full EEA membership, H&S, Legal and Employment Advice from a range of professionals, the ability to offer ABRS+ Tests and Rosette Awards, exclusive member discounts, and much more. Plus the knowledge for your clients and potential clients that your riding establishment meets the ABRS+ codes of conduct and expected standards to be a member of our professional association.

Don’t forget, as an Approved Riding School member, if you offer livery, you can upgrade to an Approved Riding School and Livery Yard membership, allowing the additional approval of your livery yard business, for just £25 per year.

Renew Now

If you have any questions about your renewal, please contact the ABRS+ Office (office@abrs-info.org or 01403 741188), who will be happy to help.

© 2025 The Association of British Riding Schools. Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 3186520. Registered Charity No. 1158748

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