Two New Grants Available

Posted on 19th January 2022

The first is from Sports England:

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund aims to use sport and physical activity as a means of bringing a community together and tackling inequalities via awards of between £300 and £10,000 from a pot of £5 million of National Lottery funding.

Link to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award is here: this funding

There are also funds remaining in British Equestrian Tackling Inequalities Fund (  The fund is specifically targeted at riding centres and groups delivering activity for participants from lower socio-economic groups or diverse ethnic communities, or those with disabilities or long-term health problems. These centres will have been affected by COVID-19, but have been unable to secure funding or financial support from other sources during this difficult time.  Eligible organisations include centres who have had to close at short notice and are facing ongoing costs around maintenance and utility bills, as well as voluntary and community sector organisations who deliver or enable sport and physical activity. The fund is designed to complement other sources of funding from the government, such as funds targeted at small businesses, and grants are available from £300 to £10,000.  If there are Riding Establishments that wish to bid for funds please contact

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