Grow your business with Equine Assisted Learning

Posted on 16th August 2024

We all know how important growth is for the future of your business, and equine assisted learning is an area that many people are exploring.

As well as being beneficial for your business, being able to safely offer equine assisted learning to those who need it can be hugely rewarding both emotionally and financially for your business.

The effect that a horse can have on the human mind and body is quite incredible.

Understanding the options and which services will best suit your business and benefit your client’s needs is key to successfully implementing EAL into your business.

We are delighted that Dr Celia Grummitt, CEO of GUL Outdoor Therapy will be joining us at the ABRS+ Conference with a lecture and demonstration on this exciting topic as well as offering a practical insight into how it can help you to develop your resources for your clients and your business.

Dr Grummitt has remained a passionate advocate for the use of the outdoors, particularly Equine Assisted Services in promoting positive mental health and well-being. More recently she has focused on the diagnosis and support of those with autism spectrum disorder and is currently working as a Clinical Associate of the Autism Service.

Dr Grummitt is a CEIC (UKCC) Level 2 Instructor and Ride leader, a lifelong horse owner and breeder who is an advocate for native breeds with a particular love of Welsh Cobs and Highlands of which Gul maintains a small herd from the Balmoral Estate. Dr Grummitt is a current director of the Equine Assisted Services Partnership which hosts the Human and Equine Interactive Register and is working to raise standards in the field of Equine assisted services.

Join us to find out how you can incorporate Equine Assisted Learning into the future of your business.

The ABRS+ Conference, focussing on ‘Your Equestrian Business and The Future’ will take place at The Unicorn Trust Equestrian Centre, Gloucestershire on the 14th October. Open to both ABRS+ members and non-members this is an ideal opportunity to expand your knowledge, network and share ideas with fellow equestrian businesses and experts.

See the full schedule and line up of speakers here.

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