Equine Pasture Management

Posted on 18th March 2024

My name is Hannah Chipling and I am a 3rd year Veterinary student from The School of Veterinary Medicine University of Surrey.

I am currently undertaking a study as part of my degree on if horse owners manage their pastures to improve diversity and sustainability of a grassland ecosystem.

I would really appreciate your help in increasing our understanding of the subject from your perspective (which will be anonymous) by filling in this online questionnaire Equine Pasture Management which will take approximately 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

This research project and survey has been reviewed by the University of Surrey ethics committee and complies with the University of Surrey Ethics for Teaching and Research Policy. We do not ask for any personal identifying details so all your responses are completely anonymous. To thank you for your time and kind support, after successful completion of responding to this survey, we will provide you with a link that is separate to your response to be entered into a prize draw for five £50 Amazon vouchers.

Thank you in advance for filling in the survey.

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