ABRS+ and Equestrian Systems Partner to Provide Riding School Booking System

Posted on 10th April 2023

The ABRS+ and Equestrian Systems have entered into an agreement to provide the Equestrian Systems’ Riding School Booking System at an exclusive and highly competitive price to ABRS+ members.

The ABRS+ is keen to support riding schools who want to go digital, with a smart booking platform that manages rider records, allows online booking, supports instructor timetabling and maintains horse records.   The Equestrian Systems’ Riding School Booking System, already in use with ABRS+ members, offers all these features and with the ability to add bespoke features that reflect individual riding school needs.

 With the Equestrian Systems Riding School Booking System, you get everything you need for a fixed monthly fee – no setup or booking fees. They are so confident that you’ll love their platform that they offer a free 30-day trial and use a rolling month-by-month contract.

Equestrian Systems will be at the ABRS+ Conference at Onley on Mon 15 May (https://www.abrs-info.org/riding-in-the-community-conference-2023/ to book) where they will demonstrate their Booking System to interested riding schools. We also are running an online Zoom with Equestrian Systems on 25 Apr 23; to register go to the ABRS+ Events Page.  There is also further information available on the ABRS+ website at https://www.abrs-info.org/resource/riding-school-booking-system-by-equestrian-systems/ or contact the ABRS+ Office.

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